Animated Wedding Invitation

Into "In a sweet cloud" you will find much information, humour, events , and some advices, and of course, all you are looking to make your sweeter wedding. Enter and feel like in a sweet cloud!

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Virtue Is A Mean Between Extremes.

     Do you consider that slim models are right?. In the last years, we are getting used to watch images, where young women models are more and more slim. And it is not a symbol of health. The problem is when they influence teenagers, who want to imitate them.

     Every people knew the eatin disorder who suffer these girls. Many retired models have told their experiences, where their diet was drugs and alcohol. And this confession helped to analyze the concept of beauty related to the measurements of the models.

     But the last new has been impressive, where Kristie Clement, who worked for The Factor Vogue, has told the “fabulous diet” which followed the models. Can you imagine which was the basis of their diet?. Paper handkerchief is the answer. Yes, you are reading well.

In my opion, the worst thing is this news hasn't come out until Kirstie Clement has been fired.

Do you consider that Sanitary Authorities must be present in different events or perform inspection to avoid this kind of facts?.

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