Animated Wedding Invitation

Into "In a sweet cloud" you will find much information, humour, events , and some advices, and of course, all you are looking to make your sweeter wedding. Enter and feel like in a sweet cloud!

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Are You Interested In The Future?

From today you can know it, scientists from Microsoft Research and Tecnion Israel Institute of Technology have developed a new software which predicts the future.

What is it about? it's about a software which is based in different sources such as,the headlines of the published news in the last 22 years in the New York Times, Wikipedia or Freebase.

How is it possible?

     Every chain of events is associated to a set of relevant words and generalizing certain events which are repeated, it is generated a new prediction about a  future event. For example to predict epidemics, it will take into account words as cholera, malaria... Now, you wil probably are saying that it's a nonsense. But I tell you that the statistics of true answer has a high percentage. They are from a 70% to a 90%. In this moment you are thinking it's easy, I can do it. But I tell you the most difficult homework, as you will suppose is to establish the pattern.

     What is the useful thing of this programme?
We can predict and avoid many deaths caused by epidemics, or other factors...
As I told you, the history is repeated.

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